Print & Verify Solution
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- Accuracy Enhancement/ Error Prevention
- Print & Verify Solution
Are problems such as inability to successfully scan or read barcodes printed on your labels causing you unnecessary downtime?
Do you need to verify printed barcodes on labels to comply with quality requirements and other regulations?
To cater to this need, SATO developed the Print & Verify solution through the seamless operations of SATO’s printers, application software and third-party high quality barcode readers. The Print & Verify solution ensures readability, evaluate and grade the quality of barcodes printed on each label as well as prevent duplication automatically after each label is printed automatically thus preventing human errors.
Implementing barcode verification to a production line (such as medical device & pharmaceutical companies) also helps to reduce cost of recalls such as material waste, fines and penalties, loss of customers, etc.
Upon label printing, the scanner automatically scans each printed label to verify that it matches the serial number in database.
During this automated verification process, should any unmatched data be detected by the system, the printer back feeds and prints a void mark as indication on the defective label. A replacement label is then printed and scanned for verification.
User can generate and print log and summary log reports to track label printing in real-time for validation, traceability and auditing.
Our solution supports serialisation and enables user to print and verify labels each with its own unique identification codes for more accurate tracking and higher levels of security.