Occupational Health & Safety Policy
SATO ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD is highly committed in protecting the workplace health and safety as far as is practicable. Our guiding principles:
- We are committed in achieving high standards in workplace safety & health and it is every employee’s responsibility at all levels to ensure it is complied with;
- Management accepts responsibility for providing a safe working environment and employees are expected to take responsibility for performing work in accordance with safe standards and practices;
- Everyone must work together in promoting workplace safety and health and taking every reasonable practicable measure to ensure safe working conditions in the company and manage all the potential hazards at workplace;
- We are committed to manage and reduce risks through effective risk management
- We strive to reduce incident rate at workplace and provide health examination to all employees;
- We are committed to continual improvements in workplace safety and health of our operations through periodic reviews to ensure that this policy is being followed;
- We are committed to ensure that the company adheres to all applicable Workplace Safety & Health Regulations;
“Safety is everybody’s business & is our priority”