Does your manufacturing / production line want to implement industrial automation in AIDC tagging & label application but do not know what is the right solution?
Automatic Label / Auto-ID tagging powered by a robust Automation Solution
Common challenges in implementing print & apply automation solutions:
- Limited technical in-house experts who can design and implement
- Still finding a system integrator who collaborated well with multiple technology providers
- Require solution providers for proof-of-concept stage
- Unsure of what details to plan for: label printer specifications, label applicator method, height, alignment, speed etc
For Singapore companies who qualify for Government Support Schemes such as Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) and Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG), SATO Business Development Managers are able to assist you to understand how SATO Solutions support projects (Innovation & Productivity), and provides Equipment and IT Solutions that could receive grant incentives.
3D laser measurement system
measure dimension of packages and apply shipping labels automatically according to height and orientation of each package.
Print & apply with image verifier
label print is verified by a camera before being affixed to the object by a robotic arm applicator.
Versatile Print & Apply system
apply labels on food packages, precision printed labels on electronic parts, price tag labels on apparel or affix medical device labels.
Success Case – Otafuku Sauce
“It’s impossible to check the info printed on each label manually, which is why we have turned to robots and cameras. As for this production line, we introduced a liquid filling machine to prevent foreign matter from getting into the product. With the addition of the robot labeler and label verification machine from SATO, we can rest easy when shipping product knowing that the expiration date labeled is correct and verified. Customers can also be assured of safety when using our products.”
“What required five workers before can be done with one now. This is our first attempt at implementing robotics in our production line and is proving effective. I hope to further automate production line processes which are still done manually.”
Kazunori Tani
Manufacturing Technology Engineer
Otafuku Sauce Co., Ltd.
SATO Automation Experts are here to assist you
- Print and manage multiple labels that comply to your regulatory and industry requirement
- Automatic application of labels onto various containers, including boxes, cylinders and bags
- Achieve complex label application modules with wipe/ blow/ tamp and multi-axis robots
- AIDC (Automatic Identification and Data Capture) solutions from production to consumer
- Ensure label is applied successfully with data verification, sensor-based inspection
- Track production line progress with strategic data capture points
- Enable batch scan of RFID-tagged / packed goods quickly and accurately
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